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What is the difference between a Patient Participation Group (PPG) and Patient Reference Group (PRG)?

Patient Participation Group (PPG) membership

  • consists of an invited small group of 12 (maximum) committed registered individuals
  • the PPG leadership is effective and supports all members in being effective in their roles
  • roles in the PPG consist of a Chair. Vice chair and secretary
  • the PPG is founded on core principles for effective working, agreed and shared by the practice
  • the PPG works in partnership with the practice to support service development and engagement and has a planned programme of activities it can afford
  • the PPG will meet monthly and produce agendas and minutes
  • the PPG will agree aims and objectives
  • the PPG will adhere to a code of conduct
  • the PPG has clear ways of working as a group (ground rules)
  • the PPG uses various methods to communicate with and involve all patients
  • the practice actively supports the PPG
  • PPG members will be expected to engage with an annual AGM and any CQC inspections

Patient Reference Group (PRG) virtual membership

  • the PRG is a virtual patient group which are communicated only electronically
  • the PRG will engage with surveys and feedback that supports the PPG programme of activities
  • the PRG better reflects the practice population/ demographic, as numbers to membership are not limited
  • the PRG enables patients to engage with the practice without the need of attending physical meetings

What are the benefits of being involved?

  • working in partnership with the practice and being a critical friend
  • advising the practice from a patient perspective and providing insight into the quality of services
  • encourage patients to take greater responsibility for their own health and wellbeing
  • carry out research into the views of those who use the practice
  • organise health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • ongoing communication with the patient population, community and other provider organisations

What a PPG is not

  • a forum to vent your own personal agenda