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  • Good Grief Trust

    All of those at The Good Grief Trust have lost someone they love, so they want to help you find the support you need as quickly as possible. You will find stories from others who have had a similar loss, practical and emotional support and signposting to a choice of immediate tailored local and national support.



  • The Harbour

    The Harbour provides a free and professional psychodynamic counselling and psychotherapy service for people affected by a physical life-threatening illness. This includes those living with a life-threatening illness and people who have been recently bereaved through a physical life-threatening illness.

    0117 925 9348

  • Cruse Bereavement Care

    A confidential and free service that supports bereaved people.

    0117 926 4045


  • 2wish

    2wish is a charity now open to referrals for patients within BNSSG. The charity offers free immediate and ongoing support to anyone affected by the sudden and/or unexpected death of anyone under the age of 25.

    The support offered includes access to free counselling, complimentary therapies and a respite house in North Wales.

    For more information, please see the 2wish leaflet.