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You can download the NHS App for free by clicking these icons:



Alternatively, click here for more information about downloading the NHS App.

Getting Started

To get started, we recommend watching this video explaining how you can use the NHS App, created by the NHS England Digital Team.

What is the NHS App?

The NHS App gives you a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services including:

  • Order repeat prescriptions and nominate a pharmacy where you would like to collect them
  • Manage appointments through the Surgery and now through hospitals too!
  • View your GP health record to see information like your allergies, medicines and consultations
  • Register your organ donation decision
  • Choose how the NHS uses your data
  • View your NHS number
  • Use NHS 111 online to answer questions and get instant advice or medical help near you

How are we using the NHS App?

We know that the NHS app is a much quicker and convenient way to access some services for those who are able. At the Orchard Medical Centre, we are encouraging all of our able patients to download and use this free app to help manage their health online. We will still continue to support our patients who do not have access to online services through our telephones.

A few ways we are supporting our patients to manage their health online are:

  • We will be encouraging patients to start using the NHS app to order their Repeat Prescriptions. Once ordered, the NHS App shows the progress that a prescription has made, and when it is ready for collection at the pharmacy. The NHS Digital team have created a step by step guide on order your repeat prescription.
  • Patients who use the NHS app can now see their test results without having to call the surgery. click here to view a step by step guide.

What help can I get using the NHS App?

If you need help downloading or using the NHS App, there are many different options. Firstly, you can view these useful guides by clicking the links:

We have a designated NHS App support noticeboard in our main recaption waiting area. This has information and useful leaflets about the service you will find on the NHS App.

If you still need support and would like to talk to someone face to face. The Good Things Foundation have a map on their website showing organisation that provide digital inclusion support. When clicking this link, if you search in your local area on the map and click on an organisation of choice, it will show you if they are able to provide free data and/or skills training

Turning Notification On

Did you know that we can now send messages through your NHS App? This is the most secure and convenient way for us to contact you with messages, questionnaires, boking links and appointment reminders. You can be assured that messages received through the NHS App are genuine, reliable and not limited or expensive like traditional SMS text messages.

To turn notifications on, follow these steps or watch the video below:

  • Open the NHS App on your smartphone
  • Tap the account icon in the top right (usually displayed as a person icon)
  • Tap settings
  • Tap Manage notifications
  • Tap go to device settings
  • Tap allow notifications